New Science and Faith Devotional Book

What might regenerating flatworms, resurrecting corals, and water-walking lizards teach us about Jesus? I invite you to take a journey through the life of Christ with the help of science. See how considering science alongside scripture is awe-inspiring, wonder-inducing and can lead to deeper worship of God our Creator.

"God is at work in us. He is making things new in and around us. We may not be able to see it, but just like [somethings] require high-powered microscopes and molecular techniques to visualize them, it shouldn’t be surprising that the things of God might require other tools to see and understand too.” - Ciara Reyes-Ton

“This devotional will enhance your love for God's Word and God's World. Ciara Reyes-Ton does an amazing job of helping us see how God's two books - the book of Scripture and the book of Nature work together in amazing ways. I've never read a devotional like this one before. I learned something new as I turned every page.” - Dr. Chris Dolson, Pastor Emeritus Blackhawk Church, Madison, WI

“It is a great gift for us all when gifted scientists who are also faithful Christians offer their reflections to help illumine the gifts of God through His Creation. In this wonderful set of reflections, Ciara Reyes-Ton stimulates our imaginations and encourages us to find resonance between science and faith. Beautifully done!” -Dr. L. Gregory Jones, Belmont University President


Worship Guide

Climate Vigil and the Porter’s Gate collaborated to make an album of climate themed worship, praise and lament songs. Recently, they released a guidebook of devotionals and prayers to accompany the album. I’m grateful to have been able to contribute a devotional entry to this guidebook, along with several talented friends and writers. May this book and music bring you into deeper worship of our creator! 

“All of creation declares the glory of God. But some parts of creation are harder to access and see than others, and perhaps their declarations would go unnoticed and unheard were it not for the help of modern science and technology.”

- Ciara Reyes-Ton

Science & Faith Discussion Guide

How does science enhance faith? Is God relevant in an age of science? Science and Faith: Student Questions Explored investigates the relationship between science and Christianity in a series of thoughtful and accessible articles. I contributed a chapter to this book on knowing God.

“I’ve come to the realization that perhaps the process of knowing God is similar [to the scientific process]. An inquiry. An endeavor. A process of knowing without the promise of fully and completely knowing all there is about him, at least in this lifetime. And perhaps both are processes that begin with questions, followed by a hope-driven striving for answers.” - Ciara Reyes-Ton