Scientist. Writer. Worshiper.

Science, faith, writing, and music are my passions—they’re all acts of worship.

“To Become Human”

Mount Carmell’s new song explores the biology and theology of what it means to be human, putting this in conversation with the incarnation.

“You are kin to millions of species, you are made of trillions of cells. The Earth is a gift God created, all life is a miracle.”

Listen on: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and all digital platforms.

Lyric video above and on Youtube.

New Book Out Now!

What might regenerating flatworms, resurrecting corals, and water-walking lizards teach us about Jesus? I invite you to take a journey through the life of Christ with the help of science. See how considering science alongside scripture is awe-inspiring and can lead to deeper worship of God our Creator.

“…understanding things that are possible can help us better understand and grasp the impossible, making it more tangible and real, without attempting to constrain or explain away the miracle.” - Ciara Reyes-Ton

“Science helps me connect with and better understand Scripture. I want to help others see the beauty and breadth of science and faith discourse; it’s more than just a conversation on origins.”

— Mount Carmell

Make More Music Possible, with a donation.

All donations fund my music and make more music possible! Thank you!
